Tutorial Topic Calendar
This calendar was set up to assist all students through workshopping their course’s industry demand as well as to include practical sessions and assessment support.
Do I have to attend the tutorial/studio?
You are expected and encouraged to attend the tutorial/studio sessions as you will learn more industry knowledge and the skill set that you will learn will help you succeed with your assessments.
Will the topics of my tutorial/studio change every week?
The topics are scheduled as is for the term and will be delivered by your tutors.
When does it start?
From week 1 -9.
What topics will be covered in the tutorials/studio?
Different qualifications have different industry focus topics, please refer to the schedule that can be located in each of your subjects on MyAPC.hub.
Where can I find the tutorial topics on myAPC.hub?
You can locate your tutorial topic calendar in the "ZOOM Lectures and recording" tab.
You can select the highlighted link and a pop-up tab will emerge, make sure to select your campus location!
Can I ask my tutor about my assessments?
Yes, you can, and we encourage you to.
Are the topics in the tutorial the same in my lectures?
The topics in the tutorials are more industry-focused and will help you further understand your lectures.
Is the tutorial recorded?
No, it will not be recorded.