Before requesting a refund, please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy to confirm whether you are eligible for refund.
To request for a refund please send an email to Student Care ( with the following documents for your refund request to be processed.
- Completed Student Refund form.
- A copy of your photo ID with a matching signature (eg passport). If you are under 18, please also provide your parent's photo ID with a matching signature.
- A copy of your witness's ID photo ID with a matching signature (your witness could be your family member, friend, or colleague)
- A copy of Bank Account Information, please go on online banking or contact your bank to request this document.
The refund process can take up to 4 weeks from the date we receive the application with the complete supporting documents.
Important: applicant and witness must both sign the refund form, and the signature must match with the signatures on identification documents (eg passport)