A re-credit of a VET Student Loan can occur if Special Circumstances exist as follows:
- If a Student withdraws from a Subject/Unit of Study after the published census date for that Subject/Unit of Study, or has been unable to successfully complete a Subject/Unit of Study, and believes this was due to special circumstances, the Student may apply to have their FEE- HELP balance re-credited for the affected Subject/Unit of Study under Section 68 of the VET Student Loans Act (“Act”).
APC will re-credit the Student’s VET Student Loans balance if it is satisfied that special circumstances apply where:
- These circumstances were beyond the student’s control; and
- These circumstances did not make their full impact on the Student until on, or after the census date for that Subject/Unit of Study; and
- These circumstances were such that it was impracticable for the Student to complete the requirements for the Subject/Unit of Study in the period during which the Student undertook or was to undertake the Subject/Unit of Study.
Students seeking a re-credit from APC should consult FEE-HELP Review Procedures for Re-crediting FEE-HELP Balances downloadable from the APC website.